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Aldult's registration

In order to take a licence in our club please follow the next 5 steps :
1. Download and fill the 3 documents below up :
2. Join the following documents :


  • Photocopy recto/verso of a ID.

  • Passeport's picture on white background (can be taken with a smartphone).



3. Pay the annual cotisation : 250 chf*.




  •                                        Do not forget to mention your NAME and SURNAME.



4. If you have been playing in any other rugby club in the two past years :


  • If the ex-club was in Switzerland, join a release  letter from your  ex-club, a e-mail is enough.




  • If the ex-club was out of Switzerland, download and fill this document up : 

4. If you're not Swiss and haven't play in the two past years :



  • Download and fill this document up :




5. Send everythig to or bring all documents at training.




*In no case money should prevent someone to practice a sport. If you have any money problem, please comme and speak with a member of the comitee.

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